Breast augmentation is a transformative procedure, but the recovery process is just as crucial to achieving the desired results. Understanding what to expect in the first 14 days post-surgery can significantly impact your overall experience and outcomes. While many...
Breast Plastic Surgery Boulder
Everything You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation
There are several motivations for women to seek out breast augmentation surgery. Some desire a more balanced appearance and need a bigger cup size to meet this goal. Other women choose breast augmentation to replace volume lost during or after pregnancy,...
Considering a Mommy Makeover?
Becoming a mother is one of the most joyous occasions a woman can experience. Unfortunately, the physical changes that coincide with childbearing are not so joyous for some, leaving many women exploring plastic surgery options like breast augmentations and tummy tucks...
Five Breast Augmentation FAQs
Breast augmentations are one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedures. In fact, more than 300,000 people opted to have this procedure in 2017 alone, and there is little doubt that there are thousands of women in America who are wondering if the...
Can Plastic Surgery Improve Your Health? Part I
Cosmetic surgery undoubtedly provides patients with a more youthful appearance and smoother contours. However, aside from aesthetic enhancements, there are several other reasons why you may consider a consultation with a local surgeon. At Boulder Valley Plastic...
Could You Benefit from a Breast Lift?
While they are not the only defining contours of the female figure, breast size and shape is a common concern for women, particularly as they age. Factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, gravity, heredity, and even significant weight gain or loss can affect the...
Tired of Living with Gynecomastia?
Many men take great pride in their physique, especially their chest and upper body. When a male has excessive tissue in one or both of his breasts, he could be suffering from a medical condition called gynecomastia. This may cause him to feel embarrassed in social and...
What are the Benefits of Breast Reconstruction?
For women who have had a lumpectomy, mastectomy, or some type of congenital deformity, it may be necessary to reconstruct the breasts to restore a near-normal appearance, if the patient chooses to do so. While this is not a mandatory surgery by any means, there are...
Which Type of Breast Surgery is Right for You?
Many of us take great pride in our physical appearance, being careful to eat right and exercise to achieve optimal health. Unfortunately, there are some aspects of our appearance that are beyond our control, and if you are unhappy with the contour of your breasts, you...