Growing Popularity of Rhinoplasty

May 24, 2012

Rhinoplasty is the operation that changes the size, shape, and appearance of the nose. The size and shape of your nose is determined by many different scenarios.  Heredity is the most common culprit.  The nose is formed by the bones and cartilage that are underneath your nasal skin.  There are also many other scenarios that may cause someone to consider rhinoplasty surgery.  Some patients suffer injuries that can disfigure the nose as well.  Rhinoplasty surgery is the only answer to change the size and position of these bones and cartilage.

There are many people every day that consider rhinoplasty surgery.  Many wake up and look in the mirror and see something that they consider unsatisfactory.  Accidents do happen in life and sometimes those accidents can be fixed and corrected.  Even if it’s hereditary, that doesn’t mean you can’t change a small physical feature to make yourself smile in the mirror every morning.  Rhinoplasty is a simple procedure to increase self-confidence and self-esteem.  It is important to carefully determine what parts you find unsatisfactory and what you would like to have changed prior a rhinoplasty. Dr. Jeffrey Swail can help you to determine what your new nose can look like.

There is a list of some common complaints that make people consider rhinoplasty surgery.  Some of those terms you will hear are a bulbous round tip, a hump along the bridge of the nose, or a nose that is too long, too wide, too droopy, or just generally too big. Rhinoplasty surgery can take care of all these nasal deformities.  You can start out by taking a look at some of the more common complaints people have about their noses to determine where your nose fits in.  Rhinoplasty surgery is the ultimate answer for an out of shape nose.

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